Recognized for its antique whiskey collection and award-winning distillations, Buffalo Trace Distillery stands out on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. This distillery offers several touring options, and you’ll want to return again and again for each unique one.
All tours last about an hour, and some require extensive walking and navigating steps. You must make reservations for all tours except the Trace Tour. The tours are complimentary and include tastings for those aged 21 and up.
Distilleries tour tickets not included in the transportation price.
Learn about the Buffalo Trace history, walk through the barrel storage and view the bottling of signature bourbons. Every step of the process is done by hand, the way you’d expect from a legendary distillery.
Put on your most comfortable walking shoes and get ready to explore the bourbon-making process from start to finish, from the grain to the golden liquid you’ll taste at the end of the tour. Please note, you’ll be trekking up and down stairs and visiting multiple buildings on site, so wear comfortable shoes!
The Buffalo Trace Distillery has earned distinction because of its continuous operation in spite of Prohibition. In this tour, you’ll learn more about the distillery’s mark on history as you explore a twenty-year period.
The barrels used for aging bourbon are a huge component of the distillation process. On this tour, you’ll discover a vast amount of information about the life cycle of the bourbon barrel.
Buffalo Trace claims that it’s home to more than hand-crafted bourbon. The ghost of Colonel Blanton reportedly haunts the distillery. American whiskey and ghosts: the only thing that could make the tour better is the complimentary tasting at the end.
You’ll get in all your daily steps on this tour, and everyone one of them will be worth it as you tour with E. J. Taylor Jr., to learn how he influenced bourbon-making and elevated it to a craft that celebrates perfection.